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《中英對照讀新聞》Seoul housing prices climb 18% in a year 首爾房價一年上漲18%

2020/10/18 05:30



The cost of housing in Seoul, including apartments, climbed 18.8 percent over the past year, while high-ranking officials continued to argue that the real estate market would stabilize on the back of “anti-speculation” measures from the government.


According to KB Kookmin Bank, the average price of housing in the capital came to 32.73 million won per 3.3 square meters as of Oct. 9, up 5.18 million won from 27.55 million won on Sept. 27, 2019.


Further, nine of the 25 administrative districts in Seoul recorded increases in the cost of housing of more than 25 percent. Nowon-gu topped the list with a 31 percent increase, followed by Seongbuk-gu with 30 percent, Geumcheon-gu with 29.7 percent and Gangbuk-gu with 29 percent.



on the back of :片語,由於…。The advertising agency secured the contract on the back of its previous successful campaigns.(由於先前的宣傳活動很成功,這家廣告公司最終拿到了合約。)

speculation:名詞,投機(的買賣)、推(猜、臆)測、推斷。His speculations in stocks led to his bankruptcy.(他因股票投機買賣導致破產。)

administrative:形容詞,行政(管理)的。This software claims to reduce administrative costs.(該軟體號稱可以減少行政成本。)

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