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中英對照讀新聞》S. Korea’s economy worst since 1997 financial crisis 南韓經濟自1997年金融危機來最差

2020/07/26 05:30



South Korea’s economy contracted at a sharper rate than what had been expected in the second quarter, delivering the worst performance in over two decades, as the pandemic hammered outbound shipments and private spending in Asia’s fourth-largest economy, central bank data showed Thursday.


In the April-June period, the country’s real gross domestic product shrank 2.9 percent from the same period last year, marking the slowest growth since a 3.8 percent on-year contraction in the last three months of 1998, according to advance data from the Bank of Korea (BOK).


"When we offered our growth projection in May, we had expected the COVID-19 pandemic to begin slowing down in the second half of the year, but now we are in the second week of July, and the spread of the disease is rather accelerating," BOK Gov. Lee Ju-yeol told a press briefing last Thursday.



hammer:動詞,敲擊、搥打、重創(擊)、擊潰、痛批;名詞,鐵鎚、榔頭。例句:We were hammered in this game.(我們在那場比賽慘遭擊垮。)

outbound:形容詞,出口(境、港)的、向外的、離開某處的。例句:The airline has canceled all outbound flights.(這家航空公司已取消了所有出境航班。)

projection:名詞,預(推)測、估計、放映、投射(影)、凸起(出)、隆起。例句:The company has achieved last year’s sales projections.(該公司已達到去年的預期銷售目標。)

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