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《中英對照讀新聞》 US senator slams Trump administration after report of possible troop reduction in South Korea/傳可能裁減駐韓美軍 美聯邦參議員抨擊川普政府

2020/07/19 05:30



According to The Wall Street Journal, the Pentagon presented the White House with options for reducing the U.S. force presence in March.


"This kind of strategic incompetence is Jimmy Carter-level weak." Sen. Ben Sasse, a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, said in a statement. Around 28,500 American troops are currently stationed in South Korea.


Carter pledged as a presidential candidate in 1976 to withdraw U.S. troops from South Korea. Upon taking office the following year, he ordered a review of options to execute the plan. Faced with opposition from within his own Democratic Party, he ultimately abandoned the goal in 1979.



present someone with something:片語,向(給)某人提交(提出、呈獻、授予、贈送)某物。The teacher presented his students with a question.(該老師給他的學生出了一道題目。)

presence:名詞,一批軍隊(警力)、出席(在場、存在、出現)、面(眼)前。The United Nations has maintained a presence in the region for quite some time.(聯合國已派部隊在該地區駐紮相當長時間。)

faced with:片語,面對(臨)。He is faced with a difficult choice.(他面臨一個困難抉擇。)

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