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《中英對照讀新聞》The hair salon changing how transgenders are seen in Pakistan/改變跨性別者形象的巴基斯坦美髮沙龍

2020/04/23 05:30



Tarawah, a salon in a middle-class neighborhood of Karachi, Pakitan, is owned by transgender Bebo Haider, who came to the city with a dream of becoming a beautician. But it took two years before a customer finally returned her hello.


Transgenders in the deeply patriarchal and conservative society have long fought for their rights, including prompting the country to legally recognize a third sex in 2009. Despite a lot of gains, many still live daily as pariahs, often reduced to begging and prostitution.


Haider fought hard to avoid that fate. When a Dutch organization said it wanted to finance to empower the transgender community, she and a partner jumped on the chance to open their own salon.


Mahi Doll, a 21-year-old regular client says that Haider’s salon is more than just a safe space for customers to get their hair and make-up done, but a symbol of transgender empowerment.(AFP)



beautician:名詞,美容師。例句:Professionally-trained beauticians nationwide will attend this competition.(全國受過專業訓練的美容師,都將參加這場比賽。)

pariah:名詞,印度種姓制度中的賤民;被蔑視的人。例句:Committing murder and robbery, he became the pariah of his hometown.(他犯下凶殺及搶劫案,已被家鄉的人厭棄。)

reduce:動詞,迫使;使變為。例句:Bankruptcy reduced him to begging.(破產迫使他行乞。)

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