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中英對照讀新聞》Back to basics: Can Croatia revive nudism’s glory days? 返璞歸真:克羅埃西亞能否重現天體主義的光榮時代?

2019/11/28 05:30



As an early pioneer of nudism, Croatia’s idyllic Adriatic coast has a long history of people stripping down to swim and commune with their surroundings.


But as the once wildly popular trend struggles to attract new followers, devotees are grappling with how to harness Croatia’s booming tourism industry to revive the glory days.


Koversada is a nudist complex based around an islet off Croatia’s northwestern Istria peninsula. At the camp, guests are generally naked as they stroll around, play sports or ride bicycles. They are requested to be dressed only when inside a restaurant or shop. But by and large, the camp clientele is aged over 40.


Experts believe that the future of Croatia’s nudism could now lie in small, high-end facilities run by aficionados rather than big corporations. "Boutique nudism" with small camps or apartments, could be a renaissance and a market niche. (AFP)




nudism:名詞,裸體/天體主義。例句:All of them are in support of nudism.(他們全都支持天體主義。)

idyllic:形容詞,恬靜的、風光明媚的。例句:The idyllic village has become a vacation spot.(這個靜謐小村已成度假勝地。)

commune with:動詞,交流、交融。例句:She is lying on the grass, feeling herself communing with the nature.(她躺在草地上,感覺自己與大自然融為一體。)

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