中英對照讀新聞》Woman turns 107 and shares her secret to longevity: ’I never got married’ 年滿107歲的女士分享長壽秘訣:「我從未結婚」
A woman who celebrated her 107th birthday on Wednesday shared her secret to living a long life: stay single.
Louise Signore, who lives in the Bronx in New York, maintains a healthy diet and exercises regularly. But she believes the real reason why she’s enjoyed more than a century is because she never tied the knot.
"I think the secret of 107: I never got married. I think that’s the secret. My sister says, ’I wish I never got married.’"
The woman’s sister is 102-years-old, WCBS reported, so longevity might run in the family.
Signore celebrated her milestone with a birthday party at the JASA Bartow Community Center in Co-op City, according to WCBS. More than 100 people attended.
Alelia Murphy, 114, currently holds the record for being the oldest living woman in the United States. Murphy lives in Harlem in New York, which is also where Signore was born.
tie the knot:慣用語,非正式用法,結婚。例句:So when are your sister and her boyfriend going to tie the knot?(那麼你妹妹跟她男朋友什麼時候要結婚呢?)
run in the family:慣用語,家族遺傳,世代相傳。例句:We’re all optimistic - it seems to run in the family.(我們一家人都很樂觀—好像是遺傳。)
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