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《中英對照讀新聞》Kyoto warns foreign tourists of danger of monkey attacks 京都警告外國遊客有遭猴子攻擊之虞

2019/08/16 05:30


◎ 張沛元

Wild primates are monkeying around in Kyoto, but tourists who have been attacked are not amused.


According to Kyoto officials, 30 people, most of whom were foreign visitors, have been attacked by monkeys since February, with many being bitten or scratched.


According to city officials, a tourist was bit by a monkey at the Fushimi Inari Taisha shrine, renowned for a large number of vermillion torii gates in its grounds, on Feb. 14.


From then on, until April 18, 30 people have fallen victim to such bad monkey behavior. They were attacked by what is believed to be parent monkeys as they attempted to feed and take pictures of younger monkeys.


Starting from April, Kyoto city and prefectural police have handed out fliers to tourists and temples and shrines, which warn "Beware of monkeys!" in Japanese, English, Chinese and Korean.


City officials have patrolled the areas where attacks have occurred and driven the monkeys away by shouting when they see one.



monkey around:慣用語,胡鬧,搗蛋。

例句:Would you quit monkeying around and give me a hand doing the laundry?(你能不能不要鬧了,來幫我洗衣服?)


fall victim to someone/something:慣用語,受⋯之害,成為⋯的受害者;被⋯所傷(或所害)。例句:The Canadian government confirmed Thursday that its computer systems fell victim to a concerted and sophisticated cyber attack in recent months but stressed that the attack was thwarted before classified information could be stolen.(加拿大政府週四證實,其電腦系統在近幾個月淪為一場協力且複雜的網路攻擊的受害者,但強調已在機密資訊可能遭竊之前瓦解該攻擊。)

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