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《中英對照讀新聞》Papa roach: Chinese farmer breeds bugs for the table 蟑螂老爹:中國農民養蟑螂上餐桌

2019/07/18 05:30


◎ 孫宇青

As farmer Li Bingcai opened the door to his cockroach farm in Yibin, Sichuan province, a critter flew into his face. He tossed it back into the dark room where some 10 million more of its kind scurried around.


These creatures may be a bugbear for most, but breeders like Li are turning them into a niche business. While some sell cockroaches for medicinal purposes, as animal feed or to get rid of food waste, Li breeds them for food for human consumption.


A restaurant down the road from his small facility fries them up in famously spicy Sichuan sauce for the gutsier eaters. "People don’t believe how good it is until they try some," Li said, putting one into his mouth.


Known colloquially as American cockroaches, the Periplaneta Americana is one of the largest species and is consumed for a variety of ailments: stomach ulcers, respiratory tract problems, and even simply as a tonic.



scurry:動詞,急促地移動。例句:Seeing a mouse scurrying across the balcony, she burst out screaming.(她看到一隻老鼠快速跑過陽台,忍不住放聲尖叫。)

bugbear:名詞,令人討厭的事;嚇人的東西。例句:It is a bugbear of mine that you scrape the blackboard with the fingernails.(我很不喜歡你用指甲刮黑板。)

ailment:名詞,病痛;疾病。例句:He has been afflicted with stomach ailments for years.(他已被胃疾折磨多年。)

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