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中英對照讀新聞》Eiffel Tower climber in custody after daring ascent-大膽登高後 艾菲爾鐵塔攀爬者被拘

2019/06/08 05:30



Rescuers successfully talked down a man who scaled the upper heights of the Eiffel Tower on Monday, and handed him over to police.


Television channels ran live shots as rescuers perched on the 324-metre tower’s wrought-iron struts, just below the highest viewing platform, tried to persuade the unknown man to give himself up.


The tower’s operator said he had entered the monument normally before climbing over the safety fencing on the second level and clambering up the outside of the tower.


"At 21:30, Paris firefighters succeeded in reasoning with the individual and he is now in the hands of the competent authorities," the operator said.


Police cordoned off several streets closest to the tower as crowds of onlookers gazed up at the perilous operation which began mid-afternoon.


The Eiffel Tower will re-open on Tuesday.(Reuters)



talk down:片語動詞,指高聲壓制、駁倒、在地面通過無線電引導飛行員或飛機著陸。例句:He talked down to us.(他用高高在上的語氣對我們說話。)

talk down也有勸誘、說服、安撫某人別做出傷害行為的意思。

perch:名詞,指棲木、高處;動詞,指鳥棲息、在高處暫歇、置於較高險處。例句:The clever bird chooses the branch whereon to perch.(良禽擇木而棲。)

competent:形容詞,指能幹的、稱職的、充分的、合格的、被允許的、恰當的、有決定權的。例句:This court is not competent to hear this case.(本法庭無權審理此案。)

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