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中英對照讀新聞》Stablecoins: Bad Money For the Modern Age 現代「劣幣」︰穩定幣

2018/12/24 06:00



Stablecoins — a crypto-token pegged to a fiat currency or some commodity — have become all the rage in the latter half of 2018. The main idea behind a stablecoin is to provide a cryptocurrency with most of the benefits of a blockchain-based currency while keeping its value steady by pegging it to a more stable asset.


However, while it sounds good on the surface, the seemingly simple ethos of value preservation introduces a myriad of economic problems to the market. Problems that both erode the benefits of crypto and bring in centuries-old problems faced by mainstream currencies.


Theoretically, if stablecoins were to become widely-used currencies, we would run into a modified version of Gresham’s Law. This economic law maintains that "bad money drives out good."


In a world where everyone uses stablecoins, the more valuable money or commodity will disappear from the economy. Therefore, once the inevitable complications arise from this peg to the dollar, USD would leave the market.


Dictionary 新聞辭典》

stablecoin:名詞,穩定幣。例句:Stablecoins have the potential to transform the cryptocurrency scene.(穩定幣具有改革加密貨幣前景的潛力。)

blockchain:名詞,區塊鏈。例句:Stablecoins have the potential to move blockchain technology into the mainstream.(穩定幣有望引領區塊鏈技術成為主流。)

Gresham’s Law:經濟學名詞,格雷欣法則、葛萊興法則。例句:A historical example of Gresham’s Law in action is when the United States and Canada debased their silver coins in the 1960s. (印證「格雷欣法則」的歷史案例之一,是美國與加拿大在1960年代的銀幣貶值事件。)

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