《中英對照讀新聞》Cruel yet popular punishment: Japan’s death penalty 日本死刑:殘忍卻得人心的懲罰
坂本俊夫(Toshio Sakamoto,譯音)曾負責看守死刑犯達27年。(法新社檔案照)
Years waiting on death row, inmates told their fate just hours before their execution. Japan’s capital punishment system is criticized as cruel but enjoys broad public support with few calls for its abolishment.
Inmates are executed by ordinary prison staff who may have been guarding the condemned for months or even years. Blindfolded convicts are led to a spot with their feet bound and hands cuffed. Then, a trap-door opens below.
The mechanism is triggered by a button in an adjacent room, pressed simultaneously by several officers, although none is told which button is the "live one" that will cause the prisoner’s fall.
The guards assigned to carry out the executions "remember the (inmates’) body temperatures, their breathing, their words... But they must do most of the work," former guard Toshio Sakamoto said.
A 2014 government survey showed 38 percent thought it should be abolished if Japan introduces life imprisonment without parole.
condemn:動詞,判刑。例句:The serial killer was condemned to be hanged.(這名連續殺人犯被判處絞刑。)
blindfold:動詞,蒙住(眼睛)。例句:Participants of this game need to blindfold themselves first.(遊戲參與者得先蒙上眼睛。)
parole:名詞,假釋。例句:His hope to get parole is shattered.(他獲得假釋的希望破滅了。)
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