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《中英對照讀新聞》Rotten shark made you queasy? A vomit bag for every guest at the Disgusting Food Museum-腐爛的鯊魚讓你反胃嗎?噁心食物博物館的每個客人都有一個嘔吐袋

2018/11/17 06:00



The dead mouse in the Chinese wine sure looks nasty, and the maggots in the cheese tend to put people off. But nothing is more horrible to an unaccustomed palate than the Icelandic fermented shark.


"It tastes like chewing on a urine-infested mattress," said Samuel West, who, as curator of the Disgusting Food Museum, knows a thing or two about unpleasant victuals. "Anthony Bourdain, the late TV personality, called it the single most disgusting thing he’d ever eaten, and I totally agree with him."


From spicy rabbit heads to fruit bat soup, the collection, now on display in the Swedish city of Malmo, aims to challenge perceptions of taste and help visitors contemplate why one culture’s abomination is another’s delicacy.


Some visitors have a hard time of it.


"Has anyone thrown up here at the museum? Yes twice," West said. But, "it’s okay to vomit because our entry tickets are not really tickets — they’re printed on vomit bags." (Reuters)



queasy:形容詞,指令人噁心反胃的、良心不安的、過於小心的。例句:This is a queasy problem.(這是一個需要小心處理的問題。)

know a thing or two:指對某事物頗有涉獵、精通,謙遜的說法就是略知一二。例句:’How much do you know about computers?’ ’Oh, I know a thing or two.’(你對電腦懂多少?我略知一二。)


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