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《中英對照讀新聞》Akita Inu dog with 6 pups finds time to charm visitors at spa-有6隻幼犬的秋田犬仍有餘裕對溫泉訪客放電

2018/10/12 06:00



A magazine model and mother of six doesn’t let constant breast-feeding and child-rearing get in the way of hospitality.


Haru, a 15-month-old Akita Inu dog, charms tourists from around the world at the entrance to the Furusawa Onsen spa ryokan near the Nipro Hachiko Dome stadium.


Haru is friendly to humans and sadly whines when no one is around. She also barks and wags her tail when she sees a familiar face.


"Haru remembers visitors’ faces and says ’hello’ to them," said Kaori Kobayashi, 43, president of Furusawa Onsen.


Haru was born in Tokushima Prefecture and was taken to Odate in May last year.


Kobayashi decided to keep Haru when she heard a visitor saying, "Even if we come all the way to Akita Prefecture, we cannot find places to spend time with Akita Inu."


After Japan Airlines featured Haru in a magazine on its international routes last fall, tourists from Taiwan and Paris visited Furusawa Onsen.


In March this year, Haru mated with an Akita Inu from Hirosaki in neighboring Aomori Prefecture, and gave birth to six pups from the night of May 13 to early on May 14.




get in the way of something:慣用語,妨礙,阻撓(去做某事)。例句:Never let unimportant details get in the way of a good plan.(絕對不要讓不重要的細節壞了一樁好計畫。)

go all the way:慣用語,(字面)一路…,遠道而來;(引申)完全,全部(儘可能多或儘可能完全)。例句:The case went all the way to the Supreme Court and on Monday it ruled in favor of Jack Phillips, the Colorado baker who refused to make a wedding cake for a gay couple for religious reasons.(此案一路上訴到最高法院,最高法院週一做出對傑克.菲力普斯--以宗教為由拒絕為一對同志伴侶製作結婚蛋糕的美國科羅拉多州烘焙師--有利的裁示。)

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