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《中英對照讀新聞》Migration flows in Latin America and the Caribbean 移民湧入拉丁美洲和加勒比海地區

2018/10/01 06:00



The scale of needs resulting from the outflow of Venezuelans is rapidly surpassing the capacities of receiving and transit countries, further straining already vulnerable host communities. In many of the arriving areas there are pre-existing conditions of vulnerability and weak or lack of health, education and protection services.


According to UNHCR-IOM, around 2.3 million people have migrated from Venezuela in the last three years, 1.6 million of these to South American countries; actual figures may be higher considering unregistered flows of population and the lack of consolidated data. Based on preliminary estimations at transit/receiving country level, at least 438,000 children would be in need of assistance in this context.


Governments in countries receiving migrants have set in place exceptional measures to address the situation, including the declaration of State of Emergency in some regions in Ecuador, Peru and Brazil.



migration:名詞,移民、遷徙。例句:Irregular migration is putting children at higher risk of discrimination, violence and abuse in destination countries.(非正規移民增加兒童在目的地國家遭受歧視、暴力和虐待的風險。)

vulnerability:名詞,弱點、漏洞、脆弱(性)。例句:Jake sought to hide his vulnerability behind his heavy-handed clowning.(傑克笨拙地插科打諢,企圖藉此隱藏他的弱點。)

consolidate:動詞,鞏固、統整。例句:Reading and writing may consolidate our learning.(閱讀和寫作可以鞏固我們的學習成果。)

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