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《中英對照讀新聞》Immigration crackdown in Guangzhou’s ’Little Africa’-廣州「小非洲區」取締移民

2018/08/16 06:00



A Ghanaian university student was roused after midnight by police shouting and pounding on his door in the city of Guangzhou. Such crackdown on illegal immigration has scared and irritated many residents of its "Little Africa."


The commercial hub has long been a magnet for fortune-seeking Africans, but traders and students say they face unfavorable visa rules and increasingly heavy policing. "They do this because Africans live here."


"Police should target minority of people that engage in illegal activities like the drug trade," said a doctoral student at Jinan University. "The harsh treatment of law-abiding people only negatively affects Africans’ view of China.


Long-time African residents of Guangzhou say their compatriots usually lapse into "illegal" status after struggling with onerous visa renewal requirements. No African countries are eligible for 72-hour or 144-hour transit visa exemptions, unlike visitors from many other nations.


"Many African businessmen start considering going to countries like Turkey and Vietnam instead."



hub:名詞,中心;樞紐。例句:Pittsburgh is the hub of U.S. steel industry.(匹茲堡是美國鋼鐵業中心。)

abide:動詞,遵從。例句:Everyone has to abide by the teacher’s decision.(眾人都必須遵從老師的決定。)

onerous:形容詞,繁重的。例句:We were assigned an onerous task.(我們被指派一項繁重的任務。)

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