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《中英對照讀新聞》New head of ’space nation’ aims for the stars-「太空國」新領袖瞄準繁星

2018/06/30 06:00



Feel like the world is going to the dogs? Want to get away from it all? Here’s a solution : become a citizen of the nation of Asgardia and hope it makes good on its promise to colonize the moon.


Asgardia was founded just 20 months ago, and it already has about 200,000 citizens, a constitution and an elected parliament. It has a leader, Igor Ashurbeyli, who was inaugurated on Monday.


It also has grandiose ambitions. It wants to build up a population of 150 million within 10 years. It plans to set up "space arks" with artificial gravity in outer space where humans could live permanently.


Asgardia - named after Asgard, a world in the sky in Norse mythology - says its citizens now live in more than 200 countries, outnumbering the United Nations’ 193 member states.


Ashurbeyli said he intends to have satellites providing Internet access around the globe in five to seven years, space arks operating in 10 to 15 years, and finally to establish a permanent settlement on the moon within 25 years.



aim for the stars:片語,指目標(志向)遠大,本文中有一語雙關用意。

go to the dogs:片語,指組織、機構等不復往日之盛。例句:This firm’s gone to the dogs since he took over.(這家公司從他接手以來,已大不如前。)

make good on:片語,指實現諾言、償債。例句:She made good on her pledge to donate $500.(她兌現了捐獻500美元的誓言。)

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