《中英對照讀新聞》Stone stacking contest brings gravity-defying sculptures to Scottish beach 堆石頭比賽將挑戰地心引力的雕塑品帶到蘇格蘭海灘
Sculpture artists gathered in Scotland on Sunday to compete for the title of champion stone stacker.
More than 30 participants from America, Spain, Italy and from around Britain converged on Dunbar, near Edinburgh, for the second European Stone Stacking Championships.
Competitors must create the most complex and gravity-defying artistic sculptures from rocks and pebbles gathered on the town’s Eye Cave Beach. "(It’s) the most ancient art form that there is," James Craig Page, the fledgling contest’s founder, said.
Stone stacking however has angered some conservationists who accuse enthusiasts of "rubbing out history" by removing rocks from ancient neolithic monuments. Page insists the professional artists take care to preserve the natural and historic environment.
Pedro Duran, from Spain, was named European champion for the second year running for his stone archway, while James Brunt, 46, from the English city Sheffield, won runner-up for his intricate sculpture of a rollercoaster.
"I got into stone stacking about seven years ago," said Brunt. "Everyone thought it was a kind of magic, and I saw the science behind it."
「約在7年前我對堆石產生興趣,」 布朗特說。「大家以為這是一種魔術,但我看到背後的科學。」
rub out:擦掉、抹掉。例句:The stains won’t rub out.(這些污漬擦不掉。)
running:連續地。例句:It has been raining for four days running.(已經連下4天雨。)
get into:對…發生興趣或愛好。例句:I’m getting into knitting these days.(最近我對編織產生興趣。)
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