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《中英對照讀新聞》LDP lawmaker says women who have four babies should be lauded 自民黨議員說生4子的女性應受表揚

2018/02/16 06:00



A female Upper House member says the government should commend women who give birth to four or more children.


With Japan suffering from a declining birthrate, Akiko Santo, of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, made the remarks at a behind-closed-doors meeting of party executives Nov. 21.


"Some people say that as society emphasizes women’s empowerment, working women have been praised while, conversely, homemakers have been underappreciated," Santo, also a former vice president of the upper chamber, later explained to The Asahi Shimbun.


She added that she expects those women to come forward and apply for official recognition.


Some politicians have stirred up controversy with remarks on women and children.


"Child-bearing machines" is how women were described by Hakuo Yanagisawa, a welfare minister, in 2007, which led Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to apologize.



suffer from:慣用語,受…之苦/折磨,from後接理由(如爭執、疾病、健康情況)。例句:The island is suffering from a strong tropical storm.(該島正受到強烈熱帶風暴侵襲。)

come forward:慣用語,自告奮勇/挺身而出;提出與討論意見。

stir up:慣用語,激起(不快的情感);挑起,煽動(事端)。例句:These old pictures stirred up some unpleasant memories.(這些老照片勾起一些令人不悅的回憶。)


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