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《中英對照讀新聞》Chinese police spot suspects with surveillance sunglasses 中國警方以監控太陽眼鏡辨認嫌犯

2018/02/13 06:00

中國一名女警五日在河南省鄭州市東站,穿戴配備有臉部辨識科技的太陽眼鏡。 (法新社)


Police in China have begun using sunglasses equipped with facial recognition technology to identify suspected criminals. The glasses are connected to an internal database of suspects, meaning officers can quickly scan crowds while looking for fugitives.


The sunglasses have already helped police capture seven suspects, according to Chinese state media. Police used the new equipment at a busy train station in Zhengzhou to identify the suspects. The seven people who were apprehended are accused of crimes ranging from hit-and-runs to human trafficking.


Police also identified 26 people who were using fake IDs, People’s Daily newspaper reported. But critics fear the technology will give even more power to the government. China’s authoritarian leaders will use the sunglasses to track political dissidents.


China has been building what it calls "the world’s biggest camera surveillance network". An estimated 170 million CCTV cameras are already in place and some 400 million new ones are expected be installed in the next three years. Many of the cameras use artificial intelligence, including facial recognition technology.



apprehend:動詞,逮捕,拘押。例句:The police have finally apprehended the criminal.(警方最終逮捕該名罪犯。)

hit-and-run:名詞,駕車肇事逃逸。例句:The hit-and-run driver has been in custody.(該名肇事逃逸司機已被拘押。)

in place:副詞片語,到位,就緒。例句:The arrangements are all in place for the meeting next Wednesday.(下週三會議的全部籌備工作已經就緒。)

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