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《中英對照讀新聞》Swiss flushing away millions in gold and silver every year-瑞士每年沖走數百萬黃金與白銀

2017/10/21 06:00



While London’s sewers can get clogged with fatbergs made up of grease and diapers, it seems Switzerland’s waste system is flecked with silver and gold.


Researchers last year detected 3 tonnes of silver and 43 kg of gold in effluent and sludge from waste water treatment plants - amounting to around 3 million Swiss francs.


But before people start hunting in their drains for jewelry, the government study said the tiny particles were likely to be mostly from the watchmaking, pharmaceuticals and chemical industries, which use the metals in their products and processes.


"You hear stories about an angry man or woman throwing jewelry down the toilet, but we didn’t find any rings, unfortunately," report author Bas Vriens said on Thursday.


"The levels of gold or silver were very small, in the micrograms, or even nanograms, but when you add them up it’s pretty substantial."


Researchers are now studying if it is worthwhile to extract the metals, but so far it has not found to be cost effective.


"It wouldn’t make sense for people to boil their tap water to recover gold or silver because it has already been filtered out before it re-enters the drinking water supply," Vriens said. (Reuters)



clog:名詞,指木底鞋、障礙;動詞,指阻礙、堵塞。例句:Don’t clog up your mind with painful memories.(別讓痛苦回憶壅塞你的心靈。)

fleck:名詞,指斑點、斑紋、微粒;動詞,使斑駁。例句:There are a few flecks of paint on the window.(窗戶上染到幾點油漆。)


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