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《中英對照讀新聞》Kasich joined Japan trade trip for secret Foxconn visit-凱希克為密訪富士康參加日本貿易之旅

2017/10/20 06:00



The reason that Gov. John Kasich was hastily added to a JobsOhio trade mission to Japan in early June was so that he could slip away and meet with Terry Gou, the chairman and CEO of Foxconn.


The Taiwanese electronics supplier has touched off a massive bidding war among Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan and other states to land one of the U.S. facilities the company promises to build in the next few years.


Kasich met with Gou in Osaka.


The governor also met with leaders of Honda on the Japan trip.


According to a story from Associated Press, Kasich acknowledged that Ohio is trying to attract a Foxconn facility.


In his first public remarks on the matter, the Republican governor said on August 15 that Ohio is "pitching" the Taiwanese electronics manufacturer.



slip away:慣用語,偷偷離開。例句:She slipped away while we were all sleeping.(她在我們都睡著的時候偷偷離開。)

touch off something:慣用語,觸發,使炸裂,激起。例句:Plans for a new power station touched off a wave of protests across the country.(興建新發電廠的計畫引發遍及全國的抗議潮。)


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