中英對照讀新聞》Dark web markets boom after AlphaBay and Hansa busts 查抄「阿爾法灣」和「漢薩」,暗網市場仍興旺
The US and Dutch authorities forced AlphaBay and Hansa offline to prevent the sale of drugs, weapons and malware. But over the last week of July, other sites saw their number of listings rise by as much as 28%, the study indicates.
The markets are given the "dark web" moniker because they cannot be accessed via a normal internet browser without using a workaround, and their listings are hidden from mainstream search engines.
The closure of AlphaBay and Hansa was revealed on 20 July. The Israeli cyber-security firm Cyberint looked at what change in activity there had been on five other leading dark web markets between 24 July and 31 July.
According to its numbers, Dream Market is now the biggest illegal store with a total of 98,844 listings at the end of the month. The next biggest site is TradeRoute, which rose from 14,914 listings to 17,816 over the period - a 16.3% gain.
malware:名詞,惡意軟體。例句:It is important to know that a trojan horse is malware.(分辨「特洛伊木馬」是一款惡意軟體很重要。)
indicate:動詞,表明、指出、意味著。例句:The bed was all cobwebbed, indicating no one had slept in it for quite some time.(床上佈滿蜘蛛網,意味著很久沒有人睡過。)
moniker:名詞,名字、綽號。例句:My daughter gave the moniker Tooth Angel to her dentist.(我女兒給她的牙醫起了個「牙齒天使」的綽號。)
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