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《中英對照讀新聞》Smoothies: the new coffee wars? 凍飲:新咖啡戰爭?

2007/01/23 06:00


In the 80s, fast-food burger joints flooded UK town centres. By the 90s, coffee shops took their place on every street corner.But now the new fast food fight is on a rather healthier battlefield.


Warnings about obesity and increased awareness of the importance of eating five fruit a day have fuelled a surge in healthy eating.


The UK smoothie market is worth £100m and doubling yearly.


London’s Crussh, which opened its 15th branch just off Oxford Street in October, is the UK’s biggest smoothie chain. The firm, now eight years old, expects to turn over more than £5m this year.


Boost Juice Bars, which has nearly 200 outlets stretching from Australia to Kuwait, is set to enter the market, with plans to open bars in Manchester, Oxford and Nottingham by March 2007.


The firm recently signed a deal with former Millie’s Cookies owner Richard O’Sullivan to bring the brand to the UK. And although the world’s largest smoothie chain, US-based Jamba Juice, has yet to enter the UK market, chains such as Love Juice and Fruit Boost are also expanding.

這家公司近來與前Millie’s餅乾的老闆歐蘇利文簽約,將這家品牌帶進英國。雖然世界最大的凍飲連鎖店,美國的Jamba果汁尚未進入英國市場,但Love Juice與Fruit Boost等連鎖店都在擴張。

In a country where for a decade or more the cappuccino has ruled supreme, many people are now seeking a healthier alternative.




take one’s place:取而代之。例句:John will never be able to take your place in our hearts. (約翰永遠無法取代你在我們心中的地位。)

surge:激增。例句:It failed to stimulate a surge of investment in industry.(這未能刺激工業投資激增。)

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