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《中英對照讀新聞》Police sieze dogs, arrest owners in Liverpool raids 利物浦查緝行動,警沒收狗、逮飼主

2007/01/19 06:00


Nineteen suspected dangerous dogs were seized in Liverpool and seven people arrested following the death last week of a five-year-old girl who was killed by a banned breed of dog.


About 60 police officers, including dog handlers and nearly 30 RSPCA officers were involved in the raids, which are part of a crackdown in Liverpool on the keeping of banned breeds, Merseyside Police said.


The raids were pre-planned after tip-offs from the public.


Last week eight dogs were seized in two raids in the city after Ellie Lawrenson was fatally attacked by her uncle’s pit bull terrier in the early hours of Jan. 1.


Lawrenson died at the scene from serious head and neck injuries. Her grandmother, Jackie Simpson, underwent surgery after suffering damage to her arms .



tip-off: 線報、密報。The police received a tip-off from a reliable source.(警方獲得可靠消息來源的密報。)

suffer damage to ~:~遭受損害。The senator will suffer damage to his political career over his admitted drug use.(這名參議員承認吸毒,將使其政治前途受損。)

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