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《中英對照讀新聞》ATM Turns 50, Cash Still Ageless 自動提款機50歲,現金仍青春永駐

2017/07/10 06:00


◎ 劉宜庭

Cash may be ageless, but its relationship with consumers has changed tremendously.


In 1967, consumers could only access cash through over-the-counter (OTC) withdrawals. The space changed when Barclays Bank announced the launch of the world’s first ATM machine which could dispense up to ten £1 pound notes in exchange for a bank-issued voucher. That was 50 years ago.


Fast track to today and the United Kingdom is home to more than 70,000 ATM machines used by 94 percent of the adult population. More than half of that percentage uses an ATM at least once a week to withdraw cash. In 2016 alone, consumers in the U.K. used 176 million debit cards to withdraw a whopping £180 billion in cash.


While the use of cash and ATMs has climbed in the U.K. and other countries around the world, there’s no denying the age-old payment method is facing competition from alternate payment methods.


"In the future, we’re much more likely to see a combination of different payment methods than one clear preference," said Laurent Dhaeyer, managing director of online payment service provider. "Consequently, choice and the ability to integrate with these different methods of payment will be paramount for merchants and banks alike."



tremendously:形容詞,巨大的、極大的。例句:Since then , our relationship has grown tremendously.(自那時起,我們的關係突飛猛進。)

voucher:名詞,憑證、保證人。例句:The auditor looked through all the vouchers.(稽核員查看所有的憑證。)

paramount:形容詞,首要的、最重要的。例句:This matter is of paramount importance.(此事至關重要。)

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