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《中英對照讀新聞》Intelligence Linked to ’Smart Genes’ 智力和「聰明基因」有關

2017/05/29 06:00


◎ 劉宜庭

A group of geneticists from around the world have teamed up to analyze 13 studies with extensive genetic profiles. They also studied IQ test results for nearly 80,000 individuals with European descent. Their work was recently published in the popular journal Nature Genetics.


The research team found 52 gene variants tied to intelligence. 40 of these variants were not accounted for in previous studies. The 40 new genes they pinpointed were involved in neuron differentiation and the creation of synapses that lead to comparably high intelligence.


Danielle Posthuma reports the findings are important as it is the first time a considerable number of genetic effects in human intelligence have been pinpointed. Posthuma states that there are thousands of genes involved in human intelligence. Yet her team has identified the 52 genes.


Geneticists have estimated that about half of measured intelligence is determined by genetics. It is interesting to note that individuals with the so-called “smart genes” were much more likely to spend more time in school. These individuals were also more likely to be taller and have a larger cranium in infancy. They were also more likely to be autistic.



intelligence:名詞,聰明、智力、情報、情報機關。例句:Betty has intelligence beyond the ordinary.(貝蒂聰明過人。)

geneticist:名詞,遺傳學者。例句:The geneticists were interested in particular genes.(遺傳學者們對特定基因感興趣。)

neuron:名詞,神經元、神經細胞。例句:Neurons are the basic structural of the nervous system .(神經元是神經系統的基本結構。)

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