中英對照讀新聞》S. Korea offers largest amount of cash, goods to NK in 2003-2008 南韓2003至08年給予北韓最多財貨
South Korea provided the largest amount of cash and products to North Korea between 2003 and 2008 under the liberal administration of late President Roh Moo-hyun, Seoul’s Unification Ministry said Thursday.
The government and civic groups offered a combined $4.36 billion to North Korea under the Roh administration, followed by $2.47 billion tallied under the five-year Kim Dae-jung administration starting February 1998, according to the Ministry of Unification.
Kim and his successor Roh pursued an engagement policy with North Korea, which led to inter-Korean reconciliatory projects and humanitarian aid.
South Korea provided $337 million to the North under the conservative administration of former President Park Geun-hye. She took office in February 2013. The ministry said it unveiled the data to provide correct figures as presidential candidates are in political wrangling over previous governments’ remittance to North Korea.
tally:動詞,記錄、計分。The total number was tallied with abacuses.(總數是用算盤計算。)
pursue:動詞,從事、進行、追趕。A fox was pursued by hounds.(一隻狐狸被多隻獵狗追捕。)
unveil:動詞,揭露、揭示。The club has unveiled plans to build a new stadium.(該球團已公布興建一座新球場的計畫。)
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