《中英對照讀新聞》 Silent Taxis: Japanese cab company bans drivers from starting conversations 無聲計程車:日本計程車公司禁止司機開啟話題
"Miyako Taxi" in Kyoto unveiled the new idea in March without much fanfare-operating five "Silence Taxis" across the city as part of a trial.
The cars look like any ordinary taxi but a notice written on the back of the passenger seat will inform passengers that they have entered one of "the new silent fleet".
Drivers will offer a greeting when their fare enters the car, and aside from confirming the route they will not engage in small talk. The drivers can indulge in conversation, but only if they are spoken to first, and they are also allowed to communicate in emergency situations.
Announcing the idea, the company said: "The goal of this service is to create the most comfortable ride for passengers."
According to Japan Today, they made the move after hearing reports from passengers that they were fed up being forced to indulge in chit-chat with their drivers. And while some fares enjoyed being regaled with tales of Kyoto’s sights and attractions, it was seen as less appealing for residents of the sprawling city.
fare:名詞,乘客。例句:A taxi stopped by the road to pick up a fare.(計程車停在路邊載客。)
chit-chat:名詞,閒聊。例句:My sister and I used to have chit-chat before bedtime.(我和姊姊以前都會在睡前閒聊。)
regale:動詞,款待;使喜悅。例句:The view from the hilltop regaled our eyes.(山丘上的景色使我們大飽眼福。)