《中英對照讀新聞》Opposition rolls eyes over Abe’s ’kowtowing’ to Trump in U.S. 日本反對黨不屑安倍在美國對川普卑躬屈膝
Opposition party leaders blasted Prime Minister Shinzo Abe over his performance in the United States, saying he shamelessly kowtowed to U.S. President Donald Trump in front of a global audience.
Renho, leader of the main opposition Democratic Party, targeted Abe’s "no comment" stance on Trump’s executive order banning entry of refugees and nationals from seven Muslim-majority nations in Africa and the Middle East.
Abe avoided stating his opinion on that travel ban during a joint news conference with Trump on Feb. 10 after their summit.
Kazuo Shii, the Japanese Communist Party leader, said in a statement: "Regarding this major international human rights and humanitarian issue, the prime minister only said, ’I will refrain from commenting.’ By continuing to take a posture of remaining silent, he has shown the world that he is kowtowing to Trump."
roll (one’s) eyes:慣用語,翻白眼(以示不悅、不耐、不屑或煩躁)。例句:Don’t you roll your eyes at me when I am talking to you.(我跟你說話的時候別對我翻白眼。)
kowtow:動詞/名詞,中文的「叩頭」的音譯,即磕頭,通常引伸為對……卑躬屈膝,臣服於……,屈從於。例句:Her husband divorced her because she refused to kowtow to him.(她老公跟她離婚,因為她拒絕對他唯命是從。)
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