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《中英對照讀新聞》Opposition rolls eyes over Abe’s ’kowtowing’ to Trump in U.S. 日本反對黨不屑安倍在美國對川普卑躬屈膝

2017/04/28 06:00



Opposition party leaders blasted Prime Minister Shinzo Abe over his performance in the United States, saying he shamelessly kowtowed to U.S. President Donald Trump in front of a global audience.


Renho, leader of the main opposition Democratic Party, targeted Abe’s "no comment" stance on Trump’s executive order banning entry of refugees and nationals from seven Muslim-majority nations in Africa and the Middle East.


Abe avoided stating his opinion on that travel ban during a joint news conference with Trump on Feb. 10 after their summit.


Kazuo Shii, the Japanese Communist Party leader, said in a statement: "Regarding this major international human rights and humanitarian issue, the prime minister only said, ’I will refrain from commenting.’ By continuing to take a posture of remaining silent, he has shown the world that he is kowtowing to Trump."



roll (one’s) eyes:慣用語,翻白眼(以示不悅、不耐、不屑或煩躁)。例句:Don’t you roll your eyes at me when I am talking to you.(我跟你說話的時候別對我翻白眼。)

kowtow:動詞/名詞,中文的「叩頭」的音譯,即磕頭,通常引伸為對……卑躬屈膝,臣服於……,屈從於。例句:Her husband divorced her because she refused to kowtow to him.(她老公跟她離婚,因為她拒絕對他唯命是從。)


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