《中英對照讀新聞》Hillary Clinton made a rare appearance at ’The Color Purple’ -希拉蕊˙柯林頓罕見現身「紫色姊妹花」
HHillary Clinton made a rare public appearance at the Broadway musical "The Color Purple" on Sunday — and received three standing ovations.
Photos from the scene showed people gawking at Clinton and snapping photos. In a video, people leaned over balconies to capture images.
Clinton’s appearance at the play was met with celebration, in contrast to the reaction Vice President-elect Mike Pence received when he went to see "Hamilton" in November, a week after he and President-elect Donald Trump won the election.
Other than the ovations on Sunday, Clinton’s appearance didn’t affect the show.
When Pence attended "Hamilton" on Broadway, the actors had pointed words for the vice president-elect at the end of the performance.
"The Color Purple" is a play based on Alice Walker’s book, which won the 1983 Pulitzer Prize for fiction, that focuses on the low social status of black women in the South during the 1930s.
gawk at someone or something:慣用語,痴呆地看;張口瞠目;gawk,名詞,呆頭呆腦的人。例句:Stop gawking at me, you pervert!(別那樣呆呆地看著我,你這變態!)
in contrast to someone/by contrast with something:慣用語,與…不同,與…形成對比。例句:In contrast to his predecessor, the new boss has little appetite for negotiations.(與前任者不同的是,新老闆沒興趣溝通。)
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