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《中英對照讀新聞》Santa Claus is back on Facebook after proving his identity 耶誕老人在證明身分後重返臉書

2017/03/03 06:00

聖塔.克勞斯(耶誕老人)的臉書帳號已恢復使用。(圖擷自Santa Claus臉書)

Santa Claus’ Facebook account has been reinstated after the social media company suspended his access and demanded proof of identity on Christmas Day.


Claus, a North Pole city councilman, said he was never given a reason why his page was blocked. He said he thought Facebook didn’t believe his name was Santa Claus or that he lived in North Pole.


A Facebook spokeswoman apologized in an email Tuesday for suspending Claus’ account and said it was done by mistake.


To get his account reinstated, Claus said he sent multiple documents proving his identity, including copies of his Alaska driver’s license and letter of appointment to the North Pole City Council.


"I just can’t believe somebody, particularly on Christmas, would take me to task," he said. (AP)



by mistake:慣用語,搞錯,錯誤地。例句:I took your book by mistake.(我錯拿了你的書。)


take someone to task:慣用語,責備某人。例句:The boss took John to task for his wrongdoings at work.(約翰因為工作上犯錯而被老闆責備。)

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