《中英對照讀新聞》Why this West Virginia police department just added 11 grandmothers to the force 西維吉尼亞州這個警察局為何增聘11名阿嬤擔任警力
They are not going to be out arresting people or pulling you over, but make no mistake, these women make up the newest unit at the Charleston Police Department. They’re ready to hit the ground running.
These grandmas are going to be busy carrying out their mission of spreading love and hugs. Something these grandmas say you can never have too much of.
"Sometimes I’m not feeling good or I’m feeling low, and somebody will give me a hug, and I’ll feel better, and then I’ll share my hug with someone else,” one of the newest members of the Grandma Unit Karen Smith said.
So if you get pulled over by one of the women in the g-unit, put down your phone or your bags and get ready for a hug.
make no mistake:慣用語,別搞錯了。形容對某事相當肯定,要對方搞清楚狀況。例句:Make no mistake, he is MY husband!(別搞錯了,他是我老公!)
make up:慣用語,組成,構成。
hit the ground running:慣用語,形容活力充沛地展開一天;準備好馬上展開行活動。例句:The candidate promised to hit the ground running in his first few weeks of office if elected.(這名候選人承諾,一旦他當選,將會在上任後頭幾週就積極投入工作。)
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