N. Korea makes brief report on Trump’s inauguration 北韓簡短報導川普就職
N. Korea makes brief report on Trump’s inauguration
North Korea’s state media issued a short report on the inauguration of US President Trump on Sunday but refrained from making significant comments.
"Donald Trump of the Republican Party was inaugurated as the 45th president of the United States on Jan. 20," reported the Rodong Sinmun, a daily of the North’s ruling Workers’ Party. "The inauguration ceremony took place in Washington."
The newspaper, however, did not deliver a separate commentary or statements on Trump. North Korean media outlets have not been making significant statements on the new administration in Washington since Trump’s victory in the election last year.
Political pundits said Pyongyang is apparently taking a wait-and-see stance until the new administration comes up with details on its polices against North Korea.
inauguration:名詞,就職(儀式)、落成(典禮)、開幕(式)。例句:They attended the inauguration of the hospital.(他們出席這家醫院的落成典禮。)
wait-and-see:本文做形容詞用,等著瞧、靜待。例句:Many people have taken a wait-and-see approach towards the new laws.(許多人至今對這些新法令採取觀望態度。)
come up with:動詞片語,想出(到)…、提供…。例句:He came up with a new idea.(他想出一個新點子。)
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