《中英對照讀新聞》Revelers bid adieu to a year of conflicts 向充滿衝突的一年道別
◎ 蔡子岳
Temple bells will echo at midnight as families gather around noodles and revelers flock to shrines for the biggest holiday in Japan.
"I feel this sense of duality," said Kami Miyamoto, 21, an economics student at Meiji University in Tokyo, who traveled home in Hakusan, Ishikawa prefecture, for the holiday.
"The world is heading toward conservative insular policies," she said of the U.S. election, Brexit and what she believes lies ahead for elections in Europe in 2017.
"We learned about how valuable it is to get correct information." One of the most memorable experiences for Miyamoto in 2016 was a three-week study program in South Korea.
She was surprised and moved by the friendship she formed with South Korean students, and she has decided to focus her studies on relations with South Korea.
"Studying about the U.S. and Europe seems to be about looking at the past, but East Asian studies are focusing on the future," she said.
Miyamoto’s mother is preparing soba noodles, a standard New Year’s Eve dish in Japan, except in their home it will be filled with green onions and shrimp.
flock:動詞,聚集;群集;蜂擁。例句:Hundreds of people flocked to the football match.(數百人湧來觀看足球比賽。)
duality:名詞,雙重性,二元性。例句:"Most of us have that sense of duality," says Nguyen, adding that the feeling of having "two faces" is aggravated for immigrants and refugees.(「我們裡面許多人都感到雙重性,」阮說,「兩個臉孔」的感覺在移民與難民的身分上合而為一。)
lie (ahead):動詞,在前方,未來。例句:We don’t know what lies before our country.(我們不知道我國未來會遭遇什麼。)
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