《中英對照讀新聞》Germany is set to host the world’s first zero-emission, hydrogen passenger train 德國將成為全球第一個運轉零碳排放氫動力載客火車的國家
The hydrogen, or hydrail, train is set to run in Lower Saxony starting in December 2017.
The train - called the "Coradia iLint" - has been developed over the past two years by French company Alstom.
The hydrogen train operates using a hydrogen fuel tank, stored on the roof of the train, that in turn powers a fuel cell to produce electrical energy. This technology provides a new environmentally friendly alternative to the diesel trains that are still used across much of Germany.
Engineers have been developing ‘hydrail’ technology for the last 15 years, but mostly with freight trains.
The new Alstom train will be the first hydrogen passenger train to regularly operate on long-distance journeys.
With a full tank, the new locomotive will be able to travel 600 to 800 kilometers.
Because of its much larger fuel capacity, the train does not have to confront the same problems that hydro-cars face with refueling. Another advantage is its quietness: even at its top speed of 140 km/h, the only noise is that produced by the motion of the wheels and air resistance.
roof:名詞,屋頂。例句:If your thoughts are as tall as the height of your ceiling, you can’t fly above your room.(若你的思考高度只相當於屋頂,你就不可能飛得比房子更高。)
alternative:名詞,可供選擇的方式。例句:One should always look for a possible alternative, and provide against it.(你必須尋找各種可能的解釋,然後設法推翻它。)
resistance:名詞,抗力。例句:The history of liberty is a history of resistance.(自由的歷史就是一部抵抗的歷史。)
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