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《中英對照讀新聞》Protests as S. Korea opens "comfort women" foundation 南韓「慰安婦」基金會開幕式發生抗議

2016/08/21 06:00


South Korean protestors clashed with police on Thursday as they tried to disrupt the opening in Seoul of a Tokyo-funded foundation for women forced to work in Japanese wartime brothels.


Last December, the two nations reached a "final and irreversible" agreement, under which Tokyo offered an apology and one billion yen to open the foundation for the dwindling number of comfort women who are still alive.


But the deal was condemned by some of the women and South Korean activists, who took issue with Japan’s refusal to accept formal legal responsibility.


"You can’t silence the victims with money!" scores of protestors chanted at Thursday’s opening event, which they picketed with banners reading: "This is not what the comfort women want!"


The Reconciliation and Healing Foundation tried to play down the protests, saying opposition to the deal with Tokyo was limited to a vocal minority.


"Some victims I met expressed gratitude for reaching the deal while they are alive," the foundation’s head Kim Tae-Hyun told reporters. "The deal is not completely satisfactory... but we shouldn’t let these controversies put out this small light of hope that we managed to find," she added.


Her comments did little to mollify the protestors, one of whom threw liquid pepper spray in Kim’s face as she left the venue, forcing her to go to hospital for treatment to her eyes.



dwindle:動詞,(使)減少(、縮小)。Failing health dwindles ambition.(孱弱摧折志氣。)

irreversible:形容詞,不能翻轉(倒逆)的。Heavy drinking has caused irreversible damage to your liver.(酗酒已對你的肝臟造成不可逆的傷害。)

mollify:及物動詞,緩和、減輕、使安靜。Perhaps the most important thing is to deflect criticism and mollify opponents with politeness and wit.(或許最重要的是以禮和智慧來轉移反對人士的批評並安撫他們。)

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