遭美指控駭客攻擊全球最大肉廠 普廷不爽了
President Vladimir Putin said on Friday that suggestions the Russian state was linked to high profile ransomware attacks in the United States were absurd and an attempt to stir trouble ahead of his summit this month with U.S. President Joe Biden.
A hack of Brazilian meatpacker JBS's facilities in the United States, reported this week, is the third such ransomware hack in the country since Biden took office in January.
JBS told the White House it originated from a criminal organisation likely based in Russia.
The White House said on Wednesday that Biden, who is due to hold talks with Putin in Geneva on June 16, was expected to discuss the hacking attacks with the Russian leader to see what Moscow could do to prevent such cyber assaults. read more
U.S. officials have spoken of criminal gangs based in eastern Europe or Russia as the probable culprits. But Kremlin critics have pointed the finger at the Russian state itself, saying it must have had knowledge of the attacks and possibly even be directing them.
「敵人想咬我們一口」 普廷誓言要打得對方「滿地找牙」
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台灣燈會遊程與展演 邀您暢遊桃園
曾與普廷婚宴共舞 奧地利前外長加入俄石油公司董事會
克里姆林宮宣布 美俄6月中舉行總統峰會
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向鳳梨宣戰!夏威夷披薩賣4000元 英店家要你別點
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阻中國侵台!川普:有信心與習近平談判 關稅是關鍵
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