復興空難 教宗致哀
The following is the text of a condolence message sent on behalf of Pope Francis to Archbishop Hung Shan-chuan of Taipei to express condolences and prayers for the victims of the air crash which took place earlier today in Taipei:
To the Most Reverend John Hung Shan-Chuan
Archbishop of Taipei
President of the Taiwan Bishops’ Conference
Saddened by the news of the loss of life in the tragic airplane accident in Taipei, the Holy Father asks you kindly to convey his heartfelt condolences to the civil authorities and to assure the families of the deceased and the missing of his spiritual closeness. He prays for the eternal repose of the dead, and he invokes God’s gifts of strength and comfort upon the injured and those who are in
送姐上飛機洽公 失蹤乘客家屬激動痛批復興航空態度
澎湖空難「換班」逃過 空姐黃敬雅搭上墜河航班
復興航班重大傷亡 李克強:釐清中客死傷人數
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獨家》要命!質疑黑吃黑注射海洛因致死 殺人棄屍核二廠5嫌起訴
變換車道不慎撞在一起 2車國道打轉驚險畫面曝光
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