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《中英對照讀新聞》Thousands march in Seoul for Gay Pride parade 首爾「同志驕傲」遊行 數千人共襄盛舉

2016/07/03 06:00


Thousands marched through central Seoul Saturday during the city’s annual Gay Pride parade, less than a month after a landmark court decision ruled against a homosexual couple’s same-sex marriage.


Some 2,000 police were deployed along the parade route as hundreds of Christians turned out to protest the event, chanting slogans and holding up one sign in English that read: "Homosexual is sin. Return to Jesus".


Despite the protest and minor jeering, the march proceeded largely without incident. Some 5,000 participants marched in the parade, dancing and waving rainbow-coloured flags as music blared from accompanying vehicles. "Leave us alone to live our life the way we want to," said Ranny, a 29-year-old participant from the United Kingdom.


"I was disgusted. The court decision showed how backward this society still is despite the country’s economic development", a 22-year-old female student participating in the parade said of the court decision.


While homosexuality is not illegal in South Korea, same-sex marriage is not recognised and the country remains deeply conservative about matters of sexual identity.



jeering:名詞,嘲笑、奚落人的言語。The premier’s speech was disrupted by loud jeering from the opposition parties.(首相的演說遭在野陣營發出的大聲嘲笑打斷。)

preceed:不及物動詞,行進、進展。Passengers for Busan should proceed to gate 20 for boarding.(前往釜山的旅客應至廿號登機門登機。)

blare:動詞,大聲播出、發出響且刺耳的聲音。The loudspeakers blared across the square.(廣場上充斥擴音器的聲音。)

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