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《中英對照讀新聞》Mother in 'caged kids' case says cages started as fun 囚兒案的母親說關兒入籠一開始是好玩

2006/03/09 06:00

◎ 羅彥傑

A couple accused of making some of their 11 special-needs children sleep in wire-enclosed beds rigged with alarms initially built them at the youngsters' request, their adoptive mother says.


Michael and Sharen Gravelle had built bunk beds and attached a wooden playhouse the family called a club house for some of the children's toys. The other children then requested and got them, and the couple felt the cage-like, brightly painted enclosures helped keep the children from getting into trouble at night, the mother testified in a custody hearing. The Gravelles have pleaded not guilty to several charges.


Prosecutors accuse the couple of locking the children in cages to discipline them, and they want Huron County to take permanent custody. The youngsters, who are aged 1 to 15 and suffer from various behavioral and psychological problems, have been in foster care since the beds were discovered last fall.


The mother said she sought help from Huron County social workers and received none so she did research on the Internet, eventually finding Elaine Thompson, the licensed social worker also charged in the case. She said Thompson approved the beds.



to rig︰動詞,裝配、配備。例句:His car is rigged out with gadets.(他的車裝有小配件。)

at ~'s request︰片語,應某人要求。例句:He was transferred to another department at his own request.(應他自己的要求,他被轉調另一個部門。)

foster︰形容詞,寄養的。例句:There are more and more teens in foster care.(有愈來愈多的青少年接受寄養照顧。)

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