中英對照讀新聞》Venice residents protest as city begins tourist entry charge威尼斯居民抗議城市開始收取遊客入城費

Venice became the world’s first city to introduce a payment system for tourists on Thursday in an effort to thin the crowds that throng its canals, but the fee drew protests from some residents saying they didn’t want to live in a theme park.
Signs were set up outside the train station and near an entry footbridge warning visitors they had to pay the new 5-euro charge before diving into Venice’s narrow alleyways.
"We are against this measure because it will do nothing to stop overtourism," said resident Cristina Romieri. "Moreover, it is such a complex regulation with so many exceptions that it will also be difficult to enforce it."
Some 20 million people visited Venice last year, a city official said, with roughly half of them staying overnight in hotels or holiday lets - an influx which dwarfs the resident population currently put at around 49,000.
throng:動詞,群聚、湧入。例句:Taylor Swift fans thronged excitedly into the stadium for her concert.(泰勒絲的粉絲們興奮地湧入場館欣賞她的演唱會)
exception:名詞,例外。例句:Because of naughty behavior, My little brother must report his daily life without exception.(因為調皮搗蛋行徑,我的弟弟必須無例外地報告他的每日生活)