中英對照讀新聞》Japanese parents are doing matchmaking for their children 日本父母幫子女相親

Around 60 men and women have gathered for a matchmaking session to find true love. Each of them has forked out 14,000 yen to attend the speed-dating event. And they are all hoping to meet someone just like them; a parent whose still single daughter or son might be the perfect match for their own lonesome child.
It’s not that Japan, a notoriously work-obsessed nation where time is at a premium, hasn’t tried out the more direct approach to speed-dating, where the youngsters do it for themselves. It’s more that leaving the young to it doesn’t seem to be working.
With rising living costs, poor economic prospects and the demanding work culture conspiring against them, fewer Japanese today are opting to get married and have children.
fork out:片語,(勉為其難)付錢,花費。例句:Why should men always have to fork out for dinner on the first date?(憑啥男人總得在初次約會時請客吃飯?)
at a premium:慣用語,奇缺,非常稀罕;因稀少而顯得昂貴。
conspire against:片語,(事情、環境)共同導致(計畫失敗)。例句:Bad weather conspired against our plan for camping.(壞天氣毀了我們的露營計畫。)