中英對照讀新聞》Extraterrestrials’ return to Mexico’s congress as journalist presses case for ‘non-human beings’「外星人」重返墨西哥國會 記者為「非人類」據理力爭
The lower chamber of Mexico’s congress once again turned to spectacle Tuesday, devoting hours of its time to a controversial character who pressed the case for “non-human beings” he said were found in Peru.
The Chamber of Deputies spent more than three hours listening to journalist José Jaime Maussan and his group of Peruvian doctors.
Maussan and some Mexican lawmakers became the subject of international ridicule in September when he presented two boxes with supposed mummies found in Peru. He along with others claimed they were “non-human beings that are not part of our terrestrial evolution.
In 2017, Maussan made similar claims in Peru, and a report by that country’s prosecutor’s office found the bodies were actually “recently manufactured dolls, which have been covered with a mixture of paper and synthetic glue to simulate the presence of skin.” (AP)
spectacle:名詞,指不尋常的事、出人意料的情況、壯觀場景、眼鏡。例句:That television show is mere spectacle.(那個電視節目只是場面浩大。)