中英對照讀新聞》Austrian man spends 2.5 hours in box filled with ice cubes 奧地利男子在滿是冰塊的箱子裡待上2.5小時

Austrian man Josef Koeberl beat his own record for the longest full body contact with ice cubes by staying 2 hours, 30 minutes and 57 seconds inside a custom-made glass box filled up to his shoulders with ice cubes.
More than 200 kilograms of ice cubes were needed to fill up the box, after Koeberl stepped inside wearing nothing but swim trunks.
In order to dampen the "wave of pain" caused by the freezing temperatures, Koeberl says he was trying to focus on positive emotions.
A small crowd of people watched on as Koeberl beat his own record from 2019 by 30 minutes. After being taken out of the ice box by helpers he said that "the sun felt really great on my back."(AP)
custom:形容詞,訂做的。例句:Companies pay for custom news feeds that serve their own needs.(企業行號付錢刊登符合自身需求的業配文。)
trunk:名詞,通常為複數,男性短褲。例句:He went to the beach, leaving his swim trunks at home.(他把泳褲留在家就去了海邊。)
dampen:動詞,抑制。例句:His constant ignorance of my messages has dampen my enthusiasm.(他一直無視我的訊息,澆熄我的熱情。)