《中英對照讀新聞》S. Korea, Finland to collaborate on 6G network - 南韓、芬蘭將在第6代行動通訊網路上合作
南韓總統文在寅以芬蘭做為其最近的北歐出訪行程首站。圖為他和芬蘭總統尼尼斯托(Sauli Niinisto,右),10日在芬蘭首都赫爾辛基總統府召開的記者會中握手。(歐新社)
On June 9, Moon Jae-in and Finnish President Sauli Niinisto agreed that the two nations will cooperate to develop next-generation telecom technologies.
"Korea, which was the first country to commercialize 5G mobile services, and Finland which is spearheading 6G research are perfect partners," Moon added.
According to the MOU, the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute(ETRI)and the University of Oulu in Finland will jointly run research and development projects for 6G. The university plans to invest $25.4 million for the world’s first R&D project for 6G over eight years from March 2018.
commercialize:動詞,使…商業(品)化。例句:The museum hase been commercialized.(這間博物館已淪為商業化。)
spearhead:動詞;名詞,領導、帶頭、當先鋒(驅);先鋒(部隊)、矛頭。例句:The troop spearheaded the attack.(這支部隊擔任進攻的先鋒。)
jointly:副詞,共同(有、用)地、聯合地。例句:They owned the shop jointly.(他們共同擁有這家店。)