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《中英對照讀新聞》Glowing Sea Creatures Bloom In Droves Along US West Coast-發亮的海洋生物沿著美國西岸暴增



2017/11/08 06:00


Sea temperatures finally cooled this year after three years of unprecedented warm waters along the West Coast. The effect of such cooling led to the presence of krill, which returned along the coast and started providing rich meals for salmon. Even sea lions and other marine mammals seem to look healthier, and things seem to be back to normal.


But such normalcy did not last long. This past spring, millions of jellyfish-like bioluminescent sea creatures up to 2 feet long started showing up. They have invaded nets, been stuck in fishing hooks and even cascaded onto the beaches along the West Coast. National Geographic reported that the gelatinous animals are called pyrosomes. They started swarming the eastern Pacific in masses that has never been recorded before.


Richard Brodeur, a biologist from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, said that he never saw these pyrosomes in such sheer numbers. Although these pyrosomes look like individual bodies, they are actually made up of individual clones. They are physically linked, and a single visible pyrosome could contain hundreds, even thousands, of individual animals.



in droves:大量湧現。例句:People came in droves to see the celebrties.(人們大批湧現,爭相搶看名人。)

cascade:像瀑布落下、層疊。例句:The money she had earned cascaded away.(她賺的錢大舉流失。)

sheer number:大量。例句:The sheer number of questions overwhelmed me.(大量問題讓我招架不住。)



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