2017世大運聖火起跑 柯P:台北準備好了!

FISU主席、CUS Torino主席,各位參與今天盛會的貴賓大家好!
Chairman of FISU, chairman of CUS Torino, and to everybody present at this grand event : Hello!
Taipei 2017 Universiade will officially begin on August 19th. I am very happy to be here today to preside over the lighting ceremony for the 2017 Taipei Universiade torch relay. The lighting of the mother flame is the prelude to this important international event.
Taipei won the right to host the 2017 Summer Universiade back in 2011, and at the closing ceremony of the Gwangju Summer Universiade in 2015, I accepted the FISU flag and announced our determination to hold an outstanding Games. The Taipei 2017 Universiade, the 29th Summer Universiade, has been six years in the making. It will feature 22 sports and 33 competition venues. Every effort has been made to provide facilities, processes and services of the very highest quality. And we are now ready to begin this major international event.
The torch relay symbolizes the passing on of culture from one generation to the next. The decision to light the mother flame for the Taipei Universiade in Turin, Italy, the first city ever to host a Universiade, was made in discussion between FISU and the Taipei Universiade Organizing Committee. It is a choice of great significance as it represents the passing on of the legacy of the first Universiade and all those the followed. From Turin, the sacred flame will be carried to Naples, the host city for the next Summer Universiade, and then to Bankok in Thailand and Daegu in South Korea, two cities relatively close to Taipei. The torch relay will tell the world about Taipei as well as advertising this year’s Games.
Since I became mayor in 2014, I have made a big effort to make Taipei a livable city. Taipei has a history of only about 130 years, but it has a rich and diverse culture and warm and friendly people. In preparing to host the Universiade, we have used smart technology and a wide range of expertise in order to provide the best competition services, and we are now waiting to welcome around 12,000 athletes and delegation member from 150 countries. I invite everyone to come to Taipei to enjoy the competition and soak up the wonderful local atmosphere.
Taipei is ready and raring to go for the 2017 Taipei Universiade. We’re looking forward to seeing you there!





