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《中英對照讀新聞》’Extinct’ tree frog rediscovered in India after 137 years 「絕種」137年的樹蛙在印度再度被發現

2016/03/16 06:00



An extraordinary tree frog thought to have died out more than a century ago has been rediscovered in India. The discovery was made by renowned Indian biologist Sathyabhama Das Biju and a team of scientists, in the jungles of north-eastern India.


The golf ball-sized frog lives in tree holes up to 6m above ground, which may have helped it stay undiscovered.


The height at which they live is not their only quirk, with females laying their fertilised eggs in tree holes filled with water, only to return after the tadpoles hatch, to feed them with unfertilised eggs.


Unlike most frogs, adults also eat vegetation rather than insects and larvae.


The newly uncovered frogs were first found by accident in 2007, during a search for other animals. Mr. Biju, of the University of Delhi, is known as The Frog Man in India, for discovering 89 of the country’s 350 or so frog species.


Using DNA analysis, Mr. Biju and his colleagues have now identified the frogs as part of a new genus, meaning it has a new name.


It has changed from Polypedates jerdonii - named after Thomas Jerdon, the British zoologist that collected the previously only known specimens in 1870 - to Frankixalus jerdonii, after herpetologist Franky Bossuyt - Mr. Biju’s adviser when he studied at Vrije Universiteit in Brussels, Belgium.

牠從jerdonii樹蛙—以英國動物學家杰爾登為名,1870年他蒐集到先前唯一已知的該蛙樣本—更名為Frankixalus jerdonii,以比朱在比利時布魯塞爾自由大學研讀時的指導教授、爬蟲學家波舒伊特為名。


die out:片語,逐漸消失、滅絕。例句:These species have now almost died out.(這些物種現在幾乎已經滅絕。)

quirk:名詞,古怪舉動、怪癖。例句:Everyone has his little quirks and oddities.(人人都有小小怪癖。)

lay:動詞,產卵、下蛋。例句:The hens aren’t laying in winter.(這些母雞冬天不下蛋。)

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