《中英對照讀新聞》Homeless woman gives birth outside Vatican 無家可歸的女子在梵蒂岡外分娩
A homeless woman gave birth on a cardboard box just outside St. Peter’s Square early on Wednesday in near-freezing temperatures and later received an offer of one year’s hospitality in a Vatican institution.
Police said the 35-year-old Romanian woman had gone into labor at about 2.30 a.m. in an Italian square just meters away from the Vatican.
An Italian policewoman, Maria Capone, helped deliver the baby, a girl, and her colleagues covered both with their jackets until an ambulance arrived.
"I think it was close to zero," Capone told Italian television.
"The baby regained color on her face after we covered her," another policeman said.
The head of Pope’s Francis’ charity office, Archbishop Konrad Krajewski, later visited the woman and baby in a hospital a few blocks away and offered her one-year’s free accommodation in a Church-owned apartment, the Vatican spokesman said.
He said Krajewski knew the woman and her partner, also a Romanian, because they use showers and food services the Vatican has started to help the growing number of homeless in the area.(Reuters)
freezing:形容詞,指凍結的、極冷的、態度非常冷淡的。例句:The temperature dropped to freezing point.(氣溫降到冰點。)
hospitality:名詞,指款待、親切。例句:Thank you for your kind hospitality.(謝謝你的殷勤款待。)
block:名詞,指街區、大樓、石塊、木塊;動詞,指阻塞、使成塊狀、封鎖。例句:The protesters blocked the highway.(示威者把公路封住了。)
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