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《中英對照讀新聞》Armed Albuquerque Couple Gets Upper Hand On Burglar 武裝的阿布奎基夫妻壓制竊賊

2016/01/15 06:00


An Albuquerque couple turned the tables on a burglar caught loading their belongings into his car.


Albuquerque police spokesman Tanner Tixier says officers were called about a possible burglary Thursday.


What they found was a 70-year-old man and his 66-year-old wife both pointing guns at 26-year-old Aaron Lujan.


Tixier says the husband observed Lujan putting a generator, power tools and other items of his into an SUV.


The man says he confronted Lujan but was ignored.


The husband then grabbed his shotgun while his wife took a handgun and both held Lujan at gunpoint until authorities arrived. No one was injured.


Tixier says Lujan had just been released from jail earlier in the day.


Police did not say what charges Lujan will now face or if he has an attorney. (AP)



get/gain upper hand(on someone):慣用語,控制,支配,佔上風。例句:She is always trying to get the upper hand on someone.(她總是想辦法要佔上風。)

turn the tables (on someone):慣用語,改變情況讓立場逆轉。例句:My brother was always the one in trouble, but now the tables are turned and he’s doing quite well.(我弟過去總是麻煩不斷,但現在情勢逆轉,他過得還不錯。)

point something at someone or something:慣用語,瞄準或直接對著某人或某事。

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